

Jaume Baixeries - Characterization of Database Dependencies with FCA and Pattern Structures (Part 1-4)
Dmitriy Kolesov - GIS as an environment for integration and analysis of spatial data
Natalia Konstantinova - Introduction to Dialogue Systems. Personal Assistants are becoming a reality
Natalia Konstantinova - Academic writing - getting published in international journals and conferences
Boris Mirkin - Data Clustering: Some Topics of Current Interest
Delhibabu Radhakrishnan - Automatic contrast parameter estimation in anisotropic diffusion for image restoration
Konstantion Vorontsov - Additive Regularization of Matrix Decompositons and Probabilistic Topic Modeling



Vladimir Chernousov - Video-Based Moving Forklift Truck Detection in Noisy Environment
Yury Kashnitsky - Visual analytics in FCA-based triclustering
Dmitry Vinogradov - VKF-method of hypotheses generation
Alexey Masyutin - Alternative ways for loss-given-default estimation in retail banking
Natalia Korepanova - Matching and decision trees for determining optimal therapy
Marina Danshina - Editing and Representation of the Ancient Russian Semiographic Chants on Website
Marina Danshina - Neural models for recognizing basic units of semiographic chants
Evgeniya Vlasova - Indicators of Connectivity for Urban Scientific Communities in Russian Cities
Anton Leshko - Fingerprint Identification Algorithm based on Delaunay Triangulation and Cylinder Codes
Michael Khrushchev - Search engine of mentions of Russian companies in the Internet
Alexey Malafeev - Automatic Generation of Text-Based Open Cloze Exercises
Alexander Panchenko - Detecting Gender by a Full Name: Experiments with the Russian Language
Nikolay Karpov - Single-sentence Readability Prediction in Russian


Alexander Tyrsin - Non-linear filtering of images
Andrew B. Samoylov - Sentiment analysis quality
Alexander Sirenko - Query Expansion in Question Answering
Ilnur Gadelshin - Detection of domain-specific trends
Ekaterina Chernyak - Conceptual maps
Svetlana Popova - Clustering narrow-domain short texts
Alexander Porshnev - Analysis of Twitter users’ Mood
Elena Tutubalina - Extracting problem phrases from reviews
Andrey Kutuzov - Untangling the Semantic Web
Dmitry Ustalov - Enhancing Russian wordnets


Iosif Itkin - Network models for exchange trade analysis
Yury Kupriyanov - IT trends and challenges in Knowledge Management
Irina Radchenko - The View on Open Data and Data Journalism
Alexander Semenov - Recent Advances in Social Network Analysis


Part 1

Maksim Lukyanchenko - A Moving Object Detection in a Video Stream Received from Moving Camera
Rita Gaibadullina - Automatic defect recognition in corrosion logging using Magnetic Imaging Defectoscopy data
Nikita Trifonov - Zipf ’s law for LiveJournal
Полина Сазонова - Автоматическое порождение фраз естественного языка по OWL-модели, семантике и прагматике
Сергей Кольцов - Влияет ли место в рейтинге Живого Журнала на способ выражения общественного мнения?
Игорь Захлебин - Использование семантического анализа текстов для поиска специалистов
Александр Зырянов, Путинцев Никита - Определение характеристик городов, влияющих на тональность отзывов, на основе анализа социальной сети twitter
Иван Посохов - Методика построения функции принадлежности для классификации изображений на основе гистограмм яркости
Varvara Krayvanova - Automatic selection of verbs-markers for segmentation task of process descriptions in natural language texts
Nicolay Lyfenko - Conceptual Scheme for Text Classification System
Bulat Fatkulin - The "Afghanistan" Chapter of the Chinese Online Encyclopedia "Baidu" as a Subject for Natural Language Processing Tools Applied for Terminology Extraction

Part 2

Andrey Kurtasov - Automated Generation of Assessment Test Items from Text: Some Quality Aspects
Daniel Khachay - GPS navigation algorithm based on OSM data
Iwan Gulenko - Pre-study for an IT security education chatbot: Using motivational interviewing to improve security behaviour
Vitaly Savchenko - Semantic search algorithms in large text collections
Marina Danshina - Semiotic System of Musical Texts
Сергей Смагин - Автоматическая расстановка рейтинга музыкальным произведениям на основе неявных оценок Елена Малютина - Оценка параметров хаотического процесса с помощью UKF-фильтра для построения прогноза
Нургуль Маматова - Применение модели векторной авторегрессии для анализа потребления электроэнергии
Борис Парфененков - Сравнение методов оценки качества изображений Segey Bel'kov - Algoritms of network informational navigation


Dmitriy I. Ignatov, Natalia S. Konstantinova , Mikhail Yu. Khachay, Alexander I. Panchenko - AIST'2014 Opening
Rostislav Yavorskiy - AIST'2014 Closing