Best Works Award

Program Committee Choice Award

Best Paper - Delhibabu Radhakrishnan
Automatic Contrast Parameter Estimation in Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Restoration

People's Choice Award

Best talk on a Full Paper - Alexander Panchenko
Detecting Gender by a Full Name: Experiments with the Russian Language

Best talk on a Short Paper - Marina Danshina
Editing and Representation of the Ancient Russian Semiographic Chants on Website

Best talk on Analysis of Images - Vladimir Chernousov
The Morphological Algorithm of Moving Object Detection on the Noisy Video

Best talk on Analysis of Social Networks - Evgeniya Vlasova
Indicators of Connectivity for Urban Scientific Communities in Russian Cities

Best talk on Natural Language Processing - Dmitriy Ustalov
Enhancing Russian wordnets using the force of the crowd

Best Poster - Varvara Krayvanova
Automatic selection of verbs-markers for segmentation task of process descriptions in natural language texts

Best Poster - Iwan Gulenko

Pre-study for an IT security education chatbot: Using motivational interviewing to improvesecurity behaviour

Best Poster - Нургуль Маматова
Применение модели векторной авторегрессии для анализа потребления электроэнергии

Best Poster - Игорь Захлебин
Использование семантического анализа текстов для поиска специалистов

Best Poster - Сергей Кольцов
Влияет ли место в рейтинге Живого Журнала на способ выражения общественного мнения?